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Billfish Tagging
Click here to visit a new website from the University or Delaware College of Marine Studies
Double tagging refers to tagging the same fish with two different types of tags at the same time.
The reason this is done is to compare the performance and retention qualities of each type of tag which ultimately determines which tag is more effective. Retention is the ability of a tag to stay in a fish over a period of time.
The two types of tags currently used are The Billfish Foundation's tag whose anchor is constructed of hydroscopic nylon and the National Marine Fisheries Service tag whose anchor is constructed of stainless steel. The tag anchor is the part of the tag that stays in the fish.
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is the United States government agency charged with managing marine resources in United States waters. the NMFS believes tagging and recapturing tagged fish is one of the most important tools. This helps scientists answer biological questions on billfish movements, migrations, age and growth and stock structure. This information also provides insight into fishery management questions concerning billfish as well as other spieces.
Once a fish is tagged, the matching tagging report card is filled out and sent to The Billfish Foundation and that information is kept in their database. The information is also sent to NMFS quarterly in order for their scientists to analyze and update their knowledge of billfish.
This type of information is one our greatest tools in working with governments around the world to protect the magnificent billfish populations.
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